Tuesday, July 14, 2020


By Marissa Meyer
Read in 8th grade

Book 1 in series
Book 2! Archenemies
Book 3! Supernova

The Renegades are prodigies - people with superpowers, and they are attempting to rebuilt Galton City after the supervillain Ace Anarchy tried to destroy it. But his allies, the Anarchists, aren’t ready to give up. They have a hidden member. Nova Artino, alias Nightmare, who can put people to sleep with her touch. Her job is to kill the invincible Captain Chromium, one of the original Renegades, in his eye, his only weak spot. But she fails, and chaos ensues. She is trapped by Monarch, Red Assassin, and Smokescreen, when a mysterious vigilante named the Sentinel shows up. The Puppeteer, her ally, saves her with a puppet string, when Captain Chromium hits the engine of their balloon.

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
By Malcolm Gladwell
Read in 9th grade

How do word-of-mouth epidemics work? They start, spread rapidly, start slowing, then go away, right? But how are they started? Gladwell explores the three rules for epidemics. The Law of the Few, the Stickiness Factor, and the Power of Context. The Law of the Few. All social epidemics are started by three small groups of people. Think about your social circle. If you think about where a relationship started can most be traced back to one person? That person is a Connector. They score very high on tests that determine how many people they know. Paul Revere was this kind of person, and it is this trait that helped him succeed where William Dawes failed.