Tuesday, September 8, 2020

CNN 10 9/7/2020 ~ 9/11/2020

Go to cnn.com/cnn10 for latest video

Monday, September 7,  2020
Happy Labor Day!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Wildfires in California have prompted states of emergency in 5 different counties where 3 different fires are burning record-breaking amounts of land. Over 2 million acres have burned in the state, and the dry climate isn't helping. This weekend, temperatures also broke records, and the official wildfire season doesn't even start until October. The state of emergency will help get relief to those affected by the fires. The US election is coming up on November 3rd. There are many concerns that mail-in voting and COVID-19 concerns could delay the vote counts and keep Americans in suspense for weeks, like in the famous 2000 Florida recount. The two Voyager missions were launched in 1977, and they're still out there. They cost 2 billion dollars after calculating for inflation, and they are now farther from us than Pluto. They also carry information about human life in the 1970s should any alien species pick it up, but that isn't expected to happen.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020
There is a virus coming along - and it's not the coronavirus. It's the flu. Flu season is coming up soon, and many of its symptoms are similar to that of COVID-19. The guidelines for both diseases are the same; stay at home. There are also suggestions that coronavirus safety protocols like masks and social distancing may help prevent the influenza virus from spreading. But many people have expressed concern that getting a vaccine may be unsafe. However, most hospitals and drug stores have safety measures in place, and getting the flu shot is your best bet at preventing the disease. Also due to the coronavirus, a record number of young adults are now living with their parents, 52% to be exact. The last time it was that high was during the end of the Great Depression. Scientists know that when astronauts go into space, microgravity causes muscle loss. Now, rodents with muscle enhancing drugs have been sent into orbit to determine how efficient the drugs are and if there are any adverse side effects. The mice are now back on Earth, and researchers are examining what happened. Yesterday, we talked about the heat waves scorching across California. In the Rockies, the opposite is happening. After temperatures were in the upper 90s for most of the weekend, a sudden cold jet stream from Canada dropped temperatures near freezing, leading to one of the earliest major snowstorms for the region.

Thursday, September 10, 2020
Los Angeles County has banned trick or treating. It has also banned most group activities except for those conducted from inside cars. More than 500,000 kids have been infected with COVID-19, and even though they are less affected by the virus, officials say they should still be cautious. Another age group that is less severely impacted by the coronavirus: College students. Many universities have gone virtual, but some have reopened only to close down again. 37,000 cases have resulted from in-person college learning, mostly from off-campus parties that have been banned. Many colleges have suspended or even expelled students for doing so, and officials recommend testing every 2 days. There are two types of tests. The viral test checks for active diseases, and the antigen test checks for antibodies from a previous infection. PCR, or polymerase chain reaction testing checks for the genetic material of the virus and takes a couple days to process. Rapid tests are what they sound like - they are much faster, taking just 20 minutes, but are more prone to false positives and false negatives. Mr. Trash Wheel is a trash wheel that sits in the rivers leading to the Baltimore Harbor. It cleans up to 2.5 tons of trash from the water every day.

Friday, September 11, 2020
Today is the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. It all began on a clear Tuesday morning at 8:45 a.m. A plane flew into the World Trade Center's north tower. Minutes later, at 9:03, a second plane flew into the south tower. Transportation into and out of New York and New Jersey was cut off, and President George W. Bush announced that the US was under a terrorist attack, closing all airports in the US in an unprecedented move. Then at 9:43, a third plane crashed into the Pentagon's fifth corridor. Just after 10:00 a.m., the top of the north tower fell down. The Pentagon soon followed, and a fourth hijacked jetliner crashed near a Pennslyvania airport. Government officials and the UN were evacuated, and America virtually froze to watch what was happening as first responders rushed to the scene. At 10:28, the second World Trade Center fell, and the destruction was over. In the days that followed, the President condemned those who had planned and assisted the attacks, and it was revealed that Al-Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden, was behind 9/11, and that Afghanistan's Taliban government had harbored them. 2,977 people died that day, more than the number who died on the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Patriot Day was established in remembrance of those deceased in a unanimous vote by both the House and Senate. Both President Trump and Democratic nominee Biden are expected to attend a memorial ceremony in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where one of the planes crashed. There will also be memorial services where the other planes crashed. Watch the video for a tour of the National September 11th Museum.