Monday, June 28, 2021

Time: Post-White House Donald Trump Continues to Destroy Norms

By Philip Elliot

    Once a president leaves office, most generally settle down and stay out of politics. For example, no matter how far Obama stretched the truth during his administration, President Bush's office refused to comment on his successor. Often, former presidents even help out with current ones, knowing how hard the job is. Of course, that isn't to say they live like hermits - they do help family members run for office or support certain policies. But President Trump, like everything else he does, deviates from the norm.
    He recently held a rally in Cleveland where he perpetuated his lies about Biden stealing the Presidency, anti-immigrant rhetoric, and the January 6th insurrection, and also railed against a Republican Ohio Representative who dared vote against him in the second impeachment.
    Now, Trump obviously no longer has the influence he did as a president. But polls show that the majority of Republicans still believe his lies, and there's no reason to think his behavior will change any time soon.