Thursday, November 18, 2021

CNN 10 10/18/2021 ~ 10/22/2021

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Monday, October 18, 2021
The US is changing its travel rules. Starting November 8th, fully vaccinated individuals will be able to travel to the US from most countries provided that they have a negative COVID test from the previous three days. This change removes countries like India, which had a high rate of coronavirus cases, from a list of restricted countries. US residents can also travel abroad, but need a negative COVID test from within one day of their flight home. The Indonesian island of Bali relies heavily on its tourism industry, which was disrupted due to COVID shutdowns last year. That put many people out of work, and people started to go hungry. One resident noticed this problem in his community and began a barter system called Plastic Xchange. People can pick up trash from local beaches, rivers, and even their own homes and exchange it for rice, which is a staple food in Bali. It is helping to control the plastic problem in Bali as well as ensuring people stay fed during the pandemic.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Civil rights activist and former Secretary of State Colin Powell passed away on Monday after a storied career of service. He began in the Reserve Officer Training Corps, where he achieved its highest rank, went on to become a 4-star general after the Vietnam War. He went on to become the first Black National Security Advisor, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Secretary of State. He was so well liked that two different presidents awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the country. A 21st century space race is heating up as China sends a new group of astronauts to work on its space station. The US military believes that China's space agency is controlled by its military and has barred NASA from working with them, which means they are also banned from the ISS. Potentially because of this, the country has begun construction of their own space station, for which it has 6 more missions planned to get it into full operation in the coming years.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021
The global supply chain problems are only getting worse as the holiday season approaches. Consumers are looking to star buying gifts and release pent up buying urges, but labor shortages and coronavirus restrictions are making it difficult for suppliers to stock their shelves. They're employing all manner of methods possible to try to get goods to warehouses and stores in time, but the problem stretches from ports to trucks. In Paris, there's a bit of a different problem - one between pedestrians and cyclists and cars. The government in Paris has been trying to move to greener forms of transportation and also encourage tourism along its major streets - that makes less space for cars, which along with lower speed limits, are causing big traffic jams and more than a few upset drivers.

Thursday, October 21, 2021
17 American missionaries are being held hostage by a gang in Port au Prince, Haiti. The poorest country in the western hemisphere was already struggling before this. The president was assassinated three months ago, leading to increased gang violence, and supply shortages along with corruption and lack of security enforcement have plagued the country for years. A "megapod" of over 100 humpback whales was recently spotted off the coast of Australia. The leader of the tour group that saw them said that sightings of these massive whale feeding have become more common over the past few years. In China, a new railroad was recently completed between it and one of its neighboring countries, Laos. China says that it plans to expand a railroad throughout Asia and parts of Africa in the coming years.

Friday, October 22, 2021
The US has seen three major spikes in COVID cases so far. One at the beginning of the pandemic, one in the spring, then a steep decline before another spike largely attributed to the emergence of the delta variant in September. Since then, cases have gone down, which is a hopeful sign. These spikes have not been uniform across the world. Russia, for example, is seeing a spike right now and has a lockdown scheduled for Moscow in the coming weeks. Halloween is fast approaching, and surveys indicate that around 65% of Americans plan to participate. While that's not a record, the amount of money people plan to spend - over $10 billion - is, and that's good news for retailers who saw a massive dip in sales last year during the height of the pandemic. Debbie Blount is a golfer and sophomore at Reinhardt University. But she isn't your average student - she's the first in her family to go to college, and she's 63 years old. Back when she graduated from high school, her family didn't have the money to send her to college, so she worked a variety of jobs, and eventually married a husband who got her into golfing. After her husband and father both passed away, she decided to take the opportunity to become a full-time student. She tried out for the university golf team and now attends the school with a full sports scholarship. Along with her golfing skills, she also brings the invaluable mentality of an experienced player to the team.