Saturday, October 9, 2021

CNN 10 10/4/2021 ~ 10/8/2021

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Monday, October 4th, 2021
There is a new vaccine mandate in California. All children attending school in person will have to be vaccinated. The mandate will go into effect as soon as a vaccine becomes fully approved by the FDA for younger children. If it goes into place, it will be the first and only such law in the US. There will surely be many lawsuits over it; some parents believe that being vaccinated should be a personal medical decision, seeing that children have higher survival rates from the virus. In one of the many impacts of the pandemic, China is seeing energy shortages. As the second-biggest economy in the world bounces back and begins producing goods again, its industries have needed lots of energy. But China is also working to meet its renewable energy goals, which are making it hard to meet the high energy demand.

Thursday, October 7th, 2021
Tensions between China and the island of Taiwan are rising again. China recently flew 150 warplanes into Taiwanese airspace. Taiwan says it has done nothing to provoke an attack. This likely occurred because the US is an ally of Taiwan. Over the past few years, it has given billions in military funding to the country in a show of support. China says that the Taiwanese island should be and is its territory, and that the US has provoked it by sailing warships in the Taiwan Strait. This rivalry has existed since 1949 when the Communist party in China won a civil war and established the People's Republic of China. The previous Democratic government fled to Taiwan and calls itself the People's Republic of China, each claiming to have authority over all Chinese territory. Since then, tensions have cooled and economic and tourist ties have been established, but the government in mainland China still says that it is prepared to take Taiwan by force if necessary. Hovercraft were amphibious vehicles that seemed to float on air across the water and were once heralded as the future of travel. However, high costs and low profits have caused the service to dwindle down to one port on the Isle of Wight, where people use the remaining craft to travel and play. There is even a museum of the boats that once took people across the English Channel, and surprisingly remains the fastest mode of transport across to this day.

Friday, October 8th, 2021
Global supply chain backups are taking a toll on the US and its consumers. Due to a lack of dockworkers to unload ships, ports around the country are seeing back-ups, keeping cargo ships idling for weeks before they can unload. Once the containers are on the ground, the picture isn't much better. Truckers are having to wait long hours to get their trucks loaded, and there is a shortage of them as well. All of this translates to less availability of goods and higher prices, which could have negative impacts on consumers. In China, archaeologists have uncovered a Great Wall fort from the Ming dynasty. It contains well preserved walls, as well as several clay statues.