Monday, November 15, 2021

CNN 10 11/15/2021 ~ 11/19/2021

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Monday, November 15, 2021
Bitcoin has hit a new high of around $64,000 USD. There is a lot of controversy around cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin. There isn't a lot of regulation around it yet, and the money isn't held by any central bank or large corporations, so its value fluctuates frequently. Still, there are many people who believe in the new form of currency, purporting that it is owned by the people and that the deregulation is a benefit. These cryptocurrencies can't actually be used to make everyday transactions like groceries yet - but what they are currently very useful for are selling NFTs, which have been on the rise lately. Another limitation is transaction time - because all transactions are recorded by supercomputers that break codes, it can take a long time for money to go through - as long as 20 minutes for Bitcoin. And because all those supercomputers are needed for transactions, it also sucks up an enormous amount of power and leaves a big carbon footprint. There are analysts on both sides, but it remains to be seen whether cryptocurrencies can stabilize and become useful for everyday consumers. Many things have been hit hard by COVID-19 shortages. Two unlikely subjects are turkeys and Christmas trees. As it gets closer to the holidays, more people are going out to buy those two commodities, and many suppliers say they might be running out.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Gasoline prices are rising across the country, and nowhere more so than in California, where residents who were used to paying higher prices for gas are seeing costs upwards of 5 dollars in certain areas. Other areas are also seeing major jumps - everything from food to toys are getting more expensive, nowhere more so than in Atlanta, Georgia, where the cost of living has skyrocketed over the past year with an inflation rate of more than 7%. Many people struggle to maintain a consistent workout plan. A new virtual reality gym called Black Box VR is trying to change that through virtual reality. It is using private rooms outfitted with resistance equipment to allow users to work out and play in an immersive, VR game at the same time. Users can earn points and levels, just like in any other game, and it helps time go by much more quickly while also getting lots of exercise in.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Floods are sweeping across the western United States, and while they might not all be record breaking like the California gas prices reported on yesterday, they are having significant impacts, such as the closure of I-5, a highway running all the way from Canada to Mexico. On the western border of the country of Belarus, the standoff between refugees and Polish border authorities continues. The migrants are mostly from war-torn countries, and they want to get into the European Union by way of Poland. Polish authorities blame Belarusian authorities for sending migrants across the border and vice versa. Researchers at the American University of Cairo believe that they have found a new way to recycle the mask waste produced as a result of COVID-19 - concrete. Based on preliminary tests, they believe that it can replace some natural resources used in concrete mixes and also reduce shrinkage and cracks. Our last story for today are the three newest inductees into the NASA Hall of Fame: Michael Lopez-Alegria, Pam Melroy, and Scott Kelly. Alegria is currently the title hodler for the second most spacewalks in the world, and the most of any NASA astronaut. Melroy was the second woman to command a NASA mission and is a veteran of three missions to help build the ISS. Kelly may be the most recognizable name from the list - he has spent 521 days in space, including a single stretch of a year during a study involving him and his twin brother, Senator Mark Kelly, who is also an astronaut.

Thursday, November 18, 2021
India and the surrounding region in Southeast Asia has some of the worst air quality in the world. India alone had 21 out of the 30 most polluted cities in the most recent rankings. As the country gets more and more industrialized, the air is only expected to get worse, and has been getting worse, despite a plan instituted in 2019 to reduced air pollution levels by 30% by 2024. The government has been implementing stopgap measures like shutting down all unnecessary power plants and trucks for a day, but experts say that larger, regional solutions will be necessary in the long run. Over the past few years, the population of sunflower sea stars off the US West Coast has been declining. They are currently at around 5% of their historic numbers and are listed as critically endangered. Scientists still aren't fully certain what causes the "melting" of stars that they have seen, but researchers in Washington are attempting to breed these animals and reintroduce them into the waters. Loss of top predators like these starfish, which eat a variety of animals on the ocean floor, can have devastating ripple effects. For example, sea urchins, whose main predator is sea stars, have grown rapidly and wiped out many kelp forests, which in turn are home to a diverse range of species.

Friday, November 19, 2021
The opioid epidemic has been a problem since around 2016, when higher death rates from overdoses first came into the picture. Now, a mere half decade later, new projections estimate that someone dies from another overdose every 5 minutes. Chief among the culprits is fentanyl, a particularly potent drug that is also found is many other prescription drugs, meaning many people don't even know they are taking it. Every presidential administration has poured billions of dollars into it, but the problem still remains unresolved. The Special Olympics serves many purposes; it encourages people with intellectual disabilities to participate in sport, but it also aims to reduce discrimination against this group. One of the people supporting this mission is Usain Bolt, once the fastest man alive. He has partnered with the Special Olympics program to further outreach and inspire more young runners. He sees something in them as well - their determination to succeed despite everyone being against them.