Monday, February 8, 2021

CNN 10 2/8/2021 ~ 2/12/2021

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Monday, February 8, 2021
The Lunar New Year coincides with the largest human migration every year because people from across China and the world return to their hometowns to celebrate with their loved ones. Last year, this time overlapped with the beginning of COVID-19, and when hundreds of millions of people still decided to travel anyway, spreading the disease. This year, the Chinese government is encouraging, and in some cases forcing people to stay where they are because of recent outbreaks. Several state-owned companies are offering money to their employees to stay and tour the cities where they work. Some feel that this is an adequate measure and are finding distanced ways to celebrate - others, like students, are missing their only chance to meet loved ones and are still traveling home. Superbowl LV finished on Sunday with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers defeating the defending champion Kansas City Chiefs 31-9. It was Tom Brady's 7th Superbowl ring and a testament to how the NFL has remained largely unaffected by the pandemic. Its chief medical officer says that a combination of masks and indoor meetings/eating, along with daily testing and tracing, helped it complete the season with an infection rate of less than 1%.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Former President Trump's second impeachment trial is set to begin today. The charge brought against him by the House is incitement of insurrection, and accusers say his comments at a January 6th rally encouraged his supporters to riot. His supporters say that his remarks only called for peaceful protest. In the Senate, a supermajority of 2/3 will need to vote guilty to convict. Several new strains of COVID-19 are beginning to spread around the world, and preliminary tests by several vaccine producers indicate the vaccines may not be as effective against the new variants, and that booster shots may be needed. The number of cases per day in the US is currently decreasing, though it is unclear if the trend will hold.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Cuba has introduced more economic reforms. Its citizens will now be able to start their own businesses and work in most fields, though some will still be government-controlled. Previously only private workers could work in certain types of jobs. The move is expected to provide more opportunities and hope for Cubans. In the age of online shopping, sellers are facing a new problem - returns. These days, most returns are "free", but the process is actually fairly costly. Many returns end up in the landfill and those that don't need to be individually inspected to see if they can be resold. Some companies like Walmart are using the data that they get from returns to try to reduce the number that happen. If a common reason for return is identified, they can see that there is a problem and introduce a solution, reducing the number of returns that happen in the first place.

Thursday, February 11, 2021
The Biden Administration is considering implementing a requirement for all US domestic airline travelers to have a negative COVID test. Many other countries around the world are also ramping up COVID-19 prevention measures as numbers continue to climb in most countries. The WHO recently finished field tests in Wuhan, China, drawing no conclusive results for the origin of the virus. Sierra Gorda is a protected ecological region in Mexico. It has rich biodiversity that was once being cut down by farmers in the region, who had no choice but to expand their fields to make more money. A conservationist helped them find other ways to make money while preserving the mountain ecosystem such as replanting and nature tours.

Friday, February 12, 2021
India recently passed new laws regarding certain crops sold by farmers. Previously, those crops had to be sold through state auctions, where a minimum price was guaranteed. The new laws allow farmers to sell their products anywhere, but also eliminate the minimum price. The government says this will give them more opportunities to make money, but the farmers disagree, saying they need the minimum price and have been camping outside of New Dehli for months, demanding the laws be repealed. Record cold is still sweeping across the majority of the US, and with them are coming wind chills. Wind chills account for the "Feels Like" temperature on weather forecasts, and they predict how cold gusts of wind will make you feel. Lower temperatures with more wind result in lower wind chill and a higher likelihood of hypothermia and frostbite. So when you go out into the cold with a wind chill advisory, be sure to cover all parts of your body.