Monday, October 25, 2021

CNN 10 10/25/21 ~ 10/29/21

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Monday, October 25, 2021
There is violent weather in store this week across the US. On the California coast, heavy rains are expected as an atmospheric river moves in from the Pacific Ocean. This is good news in terms of the fires still raging in the state, but it comes with its own dangers as the ashes that have piled up could turn into dangerous debris slides. In the central US, a cold front from the north will collide with warmer air, turning into a huge severe weather system that will result in hail, rain, and even flooding. This front will carry cold air into New England, which, if the conditions are right, could spark a weather pattern called a nor'easter, bringing coastal flooding along the East Coast. This coincides with the beginning of fall, which is more commonly associated with the fall colors of trees. The phenomenon occurs because the chlorophyll that normally appears as the green pigment in leaves as a result of photosynthesis goes away in the winter when there is no sunlight, allowing the red and yellow pigments underneath to show through. Hundreds of people across the Midwest saw what appeared to be a failed Russian satellite reentering the Earth's atmosphere last Wednesday. It was described as a "long-lasting fireball". COVID-19 has disrupted supply chains around the world, and it isn't going away any time soon. Toy stores are being hit particularly hard by the shortages as they try to stockpile for the holiday season; it's hard to know if and when any orders are coming, and they are telling people to do their holiday shopping early.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021
An apparent military coup has taken place in Sudan. The African country is not a stranger to power struggles, and has seen several in the past. This time, amid rising tensions, the military has dissolved a power sharing government it had with civilian leaders and said that it will maintain power until an election is held in 2023. Many are taking to the streets - some in favor of the coup, others in opposition to it. Several countries including the United States have called for an end to the coup and a return to peace. A cold front has been traveling quickly across the United States. It has hit several states with tornados, storms, and floods. For the state of California, its effects have been two-fold. On the one hand, it has helped firefighters gain full control over the Dixie Fire; on the other hand, it is also causing flooding and mudslides from the dirt loosened by the fires. While only a few types of potatoes can be found in supermarkets, over 4,000 species exist in the wild, many of them cultivated by "potato custodians" in the Peruvian Andes. These custodians have grown potatoes for many generations, and many conservationists believe they are one of the best ways to maintain genetic diversity - they go through the natural cycle over and over and adapt to the changing world.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021
The troubles on the Caribbean Island of Haiti continue. The US government and Haitian authorities have been working to free the American missionaries captured by a Haitian gang for a ransom of $17 million. Another issue in the country is a lack of fuel. There is a law there that restricts the maximum price of gas, and when international prices exceed that, the government has to make up for lost revenue. However, as one of the poorest countries, Haiti doesn't have enough money to buy additional fuel, and when it can buy it, it often can't distribute it effectively, leading to shortages and protests. While we explore space, there is a vast portion of our planet that remains unexplored - the ocean. We have a more complete map of Mars than we do of our oceans, but the Nippon Foundation's GEBCO Seabed 2030 project along with many startups are hoping to change that before the end of the century. Ocean mapping is usually a costly process involving a large crew and countless hours of analysis. New experimental methods involve autonomous mini submarines equipped with sonar that can scan and map the ocean floor.

Thursday, October 28, 2021
The 100 day countdown to the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing has begun. Like the 2020 Tokyo games, held just a few months ago after being postponed for a year, this one will be full of restrictions from COVID-19. Japan did show that the Olympics could be held without a massive increase in cases, and China, with its no COVID policy, has increased restrictions over the past week to bring cases back down from below double digits. Outside its ability to hold the games safely, China will also be battling politics. Most of the world views the rising superpower as a dangerous enemy, and the country is taking the opportunity to market themselves as much of a progressive leader as possible. The first nor'easter of the year has ripped across the New England coast, leaving many homes and businesses dark and dumping rain. A nor'easter forms when a low pressure front moves up the coast, causing northeasterly winds. Facial recognition may soon be used for security checks at airports. While there are privacy and security concerns, for those who opt in, the technology may significantly speed up transit through TSA checking lines.

Friday, October 29, 2021
Scientists believe that they have found the first planet outside our own galaxy. What is believed to be a planet was found in the whirlpool galaxy 28 million light years away. A telescope that picks up x-rays "found" the planet when it passed in front of some of the radiation given off by stars in the galaxy, temporarily making it appear as if the signal has gone away. Scientists will attempt to confirm the discovery in 70 years when the planet should pass by the same area again. Mount Etna has released more plumes of ash into the air. The most active volcano in Europe has seen activity some 50 times already this year, but none of them have been harmful to residents. Tons of plastic packaging, often designed for single use, are thrown away every year. The problem is that they take centuries, even millennia to degrade, piling up in our landfills more and more as time goes on. Notpla is one of the companies trying to fix that problem. The new plastic alternative that they have developed is based on seaweed, and it can biodegrade in a matter of weeks. It isn't as strong as traditional plastic, but it can still be used in applications like storing small amounts of liquid or to line take out containers.