Sunday, October 10, 2021

CNN 10 10/11/2021 ~ 10/15/2021

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Monday, October 11, 2021
The US jobs report that came out last week was disappointing to many. While jobs were gained, it was less than half of what economists had expected. Employers have been blaming a variety of factors, including the increase in coronavirus cases and the emergence of the more infectious Delta variant, as well as government stimulus funding for the unemployed. But the stimulus checks ended in late August and early September, and COVID-19 cases have been going back down over the past few weeks. Analysts say that next month's jobs report, which should see an uptick due to the holiday season and the end of stimulus. Off the coast of the UK, the Royal Mail service is experimenting with drones to deliver mail to the chain of islands known as the Orkney Islands. Delivering mail to its hundred inhabitants has been costly, and they hope that drones will decrease the economic and environmental costs. A Homecoming Queen honored a fellow student and her mom, who had passed away from cancer that morning. She was a vibrant figure at the school, even during her battle with cancer, and everyone felt the loss. Senior Nyla Covington help soften the pain by giving the Brittany Walters the crown.