By D.J. Machale
Read in 8th grade
Book 3 in series
A Civil War between the Air Force and Navy. But it isn't what it seems. The Air Force, with ridiculous technology and supplies, is wiping out the entire population of the Earth, and while SYLO is fighting a losing battle to try to save the Earth. Meanwhile, Tucker and his friends are captured by the Air Force while trying to get at a "Gate to Hell" in a desert military camp. There, they are degraded and labeled "primitive" along with many other prisoners. One day, a SYLO attack gives them the chance to see what the Gate to Hell truly is. They find a portal through time. But it isn't a true portal because of the "you can't change the past and there is a new timestream and blah blah blah". The portal goes 300 years in the future, and was created by an atomic blast inside the dome which caused stuff to move faster than the speed of light. However, the future they find has been decimated by climate change.