Friday, January 8, 2021

Time: What Trump wrought

By Molly Ball

    In a last-ditch effort to twist election results, President Trump incited a mob of his supporters on January 6th, causing them to break into the US Capitol as a joint session of Congress certified Joe Biden's victory.
    For 4 years, the Republican party has endured Trump because of his massive support base, either working themselves into his inner circle or finding some way to justify his actions.
"In the final weeks of his term, Trump ran amok. He vowed to ruin the careers of GOP officials who would not go along with his baseless election claims. He vetoed the annual military budget. He sided with Democrats by demanding $2,000 stimulus checks the GOP would not support. He painted the Georgia Senate races as rigged, prompting supporters to urge a ballot boycott. He urged 'patriots' to descend on D.C. for a final showdown at the Capitol."