Tuesday, April 21, 2020

CNN 10 4/20/2020 ~ 4/24/2020

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Monday, April 20, 2020
ten.0420_00013416.jpgPresident Trump has announced a three-phase plan that states can use if and when they decide to reopen. It would start with certain businesses allowing employees to return in limited numbers and it would eventually lead to other public venues also being allowed to reopen. However, many governors say they need more testing, and the President hasn't given a plan for that. What's most critical about stopping the spread is knowing where a patient has been. And South Korea can do that. With a little essential information, health workers can track where an infected person has been, and how likely they were to have spread the virus. They then send out an alert to everyone living in the area of the patient. There is even an app that you can use to see how many people were infected in a certain venue and when. However, it does not disclose anything beyond where and when the patient was. NASA astronauts were brought back to Earth recently. But it was far different from the normal procedure. They were quickly transported in a variety of vehicles to their airplane from a desert.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020
ten.0421_00025211.jpgThere is a little good news on the COVID-19 front. In Europe, many countries are seeing declines in death and infection rates, and some have even begun to reopen a few small businesses. And although the US still has more than 700,000 cases and counting, the state of New York is reportedly past its peak of cases. You might be able to see some meteor showers tonight. The Lyrids from the constellation of Lyra is going by, and Wednesday night is the best night to see them. Wondering what the difference between comets, asteroids, meteors, and meteorites are? Well, a comet is an ice ball in space, and an asteroid is made of metal or rock. When an asteroid hits the Earth's atmosphere and begins to burn, it is a meteor. If it burns up completely, you have a shooting star. But when it falls all the way to the ground, it finally becomes a meteorite. Speaking of which, many people consider space the last frontier. But we haven't yet explored the oceans. And you can go all the way down to the edge of the Twilight Zone with a new sub called Deepflight Dragon. What's unique about this is that it has simple controls. It can be easily used by anyone and has a revolutionary safety feature.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020
With people staying home and airlines paralyzed by the coronavirus pandemic, crude oil has an enormous surplus. And it's caused a steep decline in oil prices. In fact, there were so many barrels of oil that the price per barrel went negative at one point on Monday. It has recovered but is still very low. There is one silver lining to the pandemic in Florida, however. Sea turtles will be hatching on their beaches soon. They are often disturbed by humans and urban activity since they follow moonlight to the ocean. However, beaches are closed and activity down, so scientists are hoping for higher turtle hatchling survival rates. Lastly, we visit Cairo, near the famous Egyptian pyramids. The city has a special meaning for a photographer who finds beauty in the ancient city.

Thursday, April 23, 2020
People staying at home is having another effect. Cars and factories are all out of commission, with people staying home. This is having a positive effect in cities and countries with high pollution, such as China, India, and LA are seeing dramatic decreases in pollution rates by double digits. Even though this is a silver lining in the pandemic, many job losses have caused this, and it’s not likely to stay this way when economic activity picks back up. Many people are under lockdown in their homes, but one man is marooned on an uninhabited island. Christian Lewis was on the island of Hildasy on his walk of the entire UK coastline when the lockdown order came. And now he is its only inhabitant. Finally, Minnesota residents are facing a new threat - from ice! Ice shoves occur when the ice on a lake melts and is pushed to shore by winds, creating huge drifts.

Friday, April 24, 2020
Herd immunity. What is it? It is when more than 60% of a population has immunity to a virus, either through recovery or a vaccine. Although it is currently very hard to test for this, there are signs that it is helping Sweden. Sweden, unlike its European neighbors, has kept its borders open along with its schools and businesses. It has, however, been accused of comprising its health. Even though this is still playing out, a “Tale of Two Cities” is playing out between Hong Kong and Singapore. Even though Hong Kong has a larger population than Singapore, it has just half the cases. This is because the Hong Kong residents still have the devastation of the SARS pandemic fresh in their minds, and are taking precautions. Have you ever heard of surfing in the mountains? Well, if there is a river, you can. A group of surfers in Montana have invented river surfing, with special surfboards. They can go out all year long, and the waves are always there on the river.

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