Thursday, May 21, 2020

CNN 10 5/18/2020 ~ 5/22/2020

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Monday, May 18, 2020
Memorial Day is just a week away, and many states are reopening their beaches, although with some regulations. New York has decided to keep its beaches closed entirely, while some southern states have imposed regulations, including but not limited to social distancing, masks, and no picnicking. In China, Hong Kong has imposed stricter travel regulations to prevent the spread of COVID-19. All international travelers must be tested and state where they are staying. After spending time in quarantine after the test, they can go to their hotel, which they cannot leave. What will the movies look like when this is all over? Right now, many shows and movies are being streamed home. Will that continue to be the new norm? Not quite. Theaters will obviously fight to stay open, and many film companies want to premiere their movies in theaters to try to become a blockbuster. But you can expect many low budget films to appear directly into your streaming service. Near Florida, a tropical storm has formed off the coast before the official storm season. Scientists don't know how strong it will get and where it will go, and they are hoping it will simply pass by the coast, dropping a little rain.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Yesterday, there was a report about a storm in the US. Today, there is a tropical cyclone in the Bay of Bengal off of India and Bangladesh. It is in the strongest category of a cyclone, which would be a Category 5 hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean. This is especially bad because it is expected to make landfall in poor, crowded areas with low infrastructure, which could make COVID-19 a major concern. In Spain, beaches have a new social distancing layout for when they reopen. They will have sectioned areas and will have visitors reserve spots. Also, sports may be returning soon. Some countries have allowed teams to do limited practices in small groups. And some youth sports leagues are considering reopening with enhanced safety measures. Lastly, moths may play a major role in pollination. They carry pollen through the night to plants and even visit some plants that bees and butterflies overlook. Researchers found this astounding fact in a new study about how pollination works. This could be a reason to reduce pesticides that hurt moths and to leave food sources readily available for them.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Contact tracing is our first topic today. This is when you track the people a COVID-19 patient has been around and quarantine them to prevent the possible spread of the virus. There are already many apps for this, which use data from your phone to alert people who may have come into contact with a coronavirus patient. There are concerns of data mismanagement or hacking, but California is working with UCSF and UCLA to try to use this prevention method. Manta rays have massive wingspans - up to 25 feet. However, they don't sting like the stingray, and they are in danger due to overfishing for use in tonics. That's why a marine biologist is researching them to discover more about their secrets.

Thursday, May 21, 2020
There are new concerns about school. Many states have relaxed rules on COVID-19 and are wondering what to do in the fall for the new school year. The government says that states with declining cases and a plan for a new rise can reopen. We can also take an example from South Korea. They reopened high schools today, and although some have closed back up, many stayed open. To get in, one must sanitize, take a temperature, and have a mask. Inside, there are social distancing marks and the only time masks can come off is in the socially distanced cafeteria. With the summer travel season approaching, many European countries have concerns. Most of their income comes from travel, and they are trying to find ways to let tourists in while maintaining safety. Our virtual tour for the day is in Singapore, where there is a massive artificial forest. The government wanted to have some natural setting in the largely urban city-state. So they built a park full of massive trees that glow in the dark.

Friday, May 22, 2020
Meteorologists are trying to predict this year's hurricane season they expect up to 13 named storms and 9 hurricanes. In the Bay of Bengal, Cyclone Amphan made landfall in India and Bangladesh, affecting millions. At one point, it was the equivalent of a Category 5 hurricane, although it did lessen to a Category 2 when it made landfall. The effects were increased by COVID-19, where workers faced the problem of trying to keep people apart in emergency shelters. Hundreds have already tested positive. Another sector changed by the pandemic - work. Many companies are remodeling their offices for when employees return, and some, like Twitter, have told workers they can stay home permanently. The picture to the left shows a labyrinth created by Adrian Fisher. He started out making mazes in the backyard and has now made mazes all over the world.

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