Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
By Mark Manson
Read in 9th grade
Note: About one hundred f-words used

We all have values on which we base out success. The key to living a good life is choosing the right values. Conventional self-improvement gurus suggest visualizing what you want to be and set your goals based on those standards. However, visualizing this potential only reinforces the fact that you don’t have it, leading a loss of direction. For example, everyone wants a big house, nice car, and lots of money. But in today’s world, when we are constantly bombarded by people who have it, this only makes us sad that we don’t. And even if one does achieve this goal, they have used up the majority of their lifetime pursuing this one thing, and are now lost. Life is full of problems. And you can’t ever solve all of them. The key is choosing the problems that you choose to care about.
    Usually, we either avoid problems or pick the easy ones. This is because solving a problem gives us a temporary high. But the only way to get true, lasting happiness is to pick and solve the problems that will really matter. To do this, we must first face the fact that the problems exist. Then, we have to pick good values on which to judge our success. These values must be easily controllable and reality based. We will all be dead eventually. And when we are truly successful, based on good standards, that’s when we will leave a lasting impact beyond our material lives.

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