Tuesday, August 11, 2020

National Geographic: My generation grew up online. Endless ‘virtual life’ would be terrifying

National Geographic: My generation grew up online. Endless ‘virtual life’ would be terrifying
By Oliver Whang

The philosopher Frank Jackson once devised an interesting thought experiment. A very intelligent person has lived in a black and white room their entire life, with tons of information and knowledge that color exists. Only, they've never seen it. So when they go outside and see the world and touch things, do they learn anything new? Jackson claims that yes, there are things that we can only by living in the physical world, which he calls qualia.
    The latest generation has grown up online, and the pandemic seems to reinforce that maybe, we can simply do everything online. Along with the fear that the virus will not go away, the fear that this virtual life will not end has also come. The idea that perhaps, some may never come out of this quarantine, losing their connection with the world.

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