Sunday, January 10, 2021

CNN 10 1/11/2021 ~ 1/15/2021

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Monday, January 11, 2021
Over the weekend, dozens of people were arrested in relation to the riot at the Capitol last Wednesday. Many people were injured, and five deaths were reported, including a police officer and an Air Force veteran. The US Capitol Police Chief has resigned, along with the Sargeant at Arms of the House and Senate. House Democrats have said that they will bring forth articles of impeachment against President Trump because of his actions in inciting the mob. He has repeatedly said that the election was fraudulent, but dozens of lawsuits in various states have all concluded that there is not enough evidence for these claims. Of course, President-elect Biden is set to be inaugurated on January 20th (which President Trump will not attend), so it's still unclear if the impeachment process will go through. President Trump was also banned from Twitter and Facebook following Wednesday's events, though critics have said it restricts free speech. We have learned a lot about how COVID-19 spreads. It's transmitted through droplets that travel through the air when infected people sneeze. It can also be transmitted through contact with such people. They are also transported on airborne particles called aerosols. Masks can effectively prevent these droplets from getting into people's noses and mouths. When you are outdoors, 6 feet should be far enough away from someone to avoid breathing in particles. Indoors, there is less ventilation, so 10 feet is probably better. There is no evidence of transmission through surfaces, so wiping everything is unnecessary. Still, you should wash your hands and sanitize frequently touched areas. The polar vortex is a large, low-pressure air mass that is high up in the atmosphere around the North Pole. If weather conditions are right, one could descend into the northern US in the coming weeks. If you're caught in one, just remember to stay warm.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021
The US economy lost 140,000 jobs in December. This comes after 654,000 were gained in October and 336,000 in November. Economists expected an addition of 50,000 jobs, but a surge in COVID-19 and efforts to restrain it led to the losses. The leisure and hospitality industries were hit worst by the new lockdowns, while the retail market actually added jobs last month. The overall unemployment rate remained steady, at 6.7%. The economy is expected to get better as Congress passes more stimulus checks and new drugs bring the COVID-19 pandemic under control. The 25th Amendment has been trending lately, but what does it actually do? If a president dies or is removed from office, then the vice president becomes the acting president. The vice president and a majority of the cabinet can also decide that the president is physically or mentally unfit and take over. This is what many Democrats have been pushing Vice President Mike Pence to do on the grounds of President Trump's role in inciting an insurrection. In 1965, a few years after John F. Kennedy's assassination, Congress approved the 25th amendment in case another president died or was incapacitated in office. Other presidents in the past had been incapacitated, and vice presidents had been largely useless. Harbin, China, is putting on the world's largest snow festival. It has been scaled down due to COVID-19, but people will still be able to attend.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021
The CDC says that 9 million Americans have received a vaccine either from Pfizer + BioNTech or Moderna. People need two shots of both vaccines for maximum effectiveness, and many states have seen backlogs in distribution. The US government has decided to send more vaccines to pharmacies, help states set up mass testing, let anyone over the age of 65 get it, and release all the available vaccines instead of keeping some in reserve for the second round of doses. This will increase the number of people who get a vaccine in the short term, but there may be a shortage when more people need to get vaccines. In some states, there have been long lines for seniors before dawn, and in others, the rollout has been smooth. As inauguration day approaches, the FBI has been on alert for armed protests at state capitols and threats to lawmakers. This comes after Trump supporters at a massive rally broke into the Capitol as Congress was certifying electoral votes. President Trump has repeatedly claimed the election was stolen, but his legal team has lost all of their court cases and several social media platforms suspended his accounts. Parler, a social media app favored by conservatives, has been blocked by Apple, Google, and Amazon Web Services, all but ending its services. Critics say that this is a violation of free speech. CES (Consumer Electronics Show) is being held virtually this year. It first began in 1967 and has been a showing for companies' latest tech innovations ever since. This year, Panasonic showed its AR HUD (Heads Up Display) for cars at CES 2021. It has collision detection, lays out an actual path on the road, and can even find parking spots.

Thursday, January 14, 2021
The House of Representatives has impeached President Trump - again. The article of impeachment was incitement of insurrection, and it passed with 222 Democrats and 10 Republicans voting in favor. It's related to the events that happened recently on Capitol Hill. At a rally, the president urged his supporters to protest peacefully at the Capitol, but later said to fight for their country, Critics say that he also failed to calm down the mob decisively and quickly enough. The House also adopted a resolution calling on Vice President Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and assume the presidency, though he said beforehand that he would not be doing so. Next, the articles will go to the Senate, where a trial will be held on whether to convict the president. With just one week left in the Trump presidency, it's unclear how this will all work out. The first impeachment trial took place in 1868 after the House impeached President Andrew Johnson for firing his Secretary of War. The Senate fell just shy of convicting him. In 1998, President Bill Clinton was tried for lying under oath and was acquitted in the Senate. In 2019, President Trump was impeached for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress over allegations that he pressured Ukraine to interfere with the 2020 election. He was acquitted on both charges. Richard Nixon was never tried because he resigned, but he was impeached over the Watergate scandal. Anyone in the executive or judicial branch can be impeached for bribery, treason, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. The CDC has announced that all international travelers entering the US will be required to have a negative COVID-19 test in the previous 3 days or have previously been infected. Since late 2020, a part of the Kilauea volcano has been active, and a submerged vent is forming a dome of lava. Shibuya crossing is often called the busiest crosswalk on Earth, and for a good reason. There, 10 lanes and 5 crosswalks converge, and as many as 3,000 people could be crossing at one time.

Friday, January 15, 2021
Last month, the US government reported that 965,000 people filed initial jobless claims last week, up from the 784,000 the week before. Although the highest ever was 6 million for two straight weeks in March and April, 1 million is still significantly higher than the 200,000 weekly average in 2019. One reason may be the stimulus package, which may have prompted more people to apply for jobless benefits. On the other hand, the stock market has been very steady since November. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the minister and civil rights leader, was born on January 15, 1929. After his assassination, many cities and states declared it a local holiday, and when Martin Luther King Jr. Day became a federal holiday, the date was changed to the third Monday in January. Although many take the day off, it's meant to be a day of service, not rest, and is often marked with marches and speeches like the ones Dr. King used to give. In 1963, he led the March on Washington before delivering his famous "I Have a Dream" speech, and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize the next year. At CES 2021, Samsung unveiled Bot Handy, a robot butler. With its "handy" arm, it can doing things like load the dishwasher and the washing machine.

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