Wednesday, January 20, 2021

CNN 10 1/19/2021 ~ 1/22/2021

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Monday, January 18, 2021
Happy MLK Day!

Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Ahead of President-elect Biden's inauguration and in the aftermath of the Capitol mob, security around the Capitol has been ramped up. A force of around 25,000 from various departments has been activated, and major buildings have unscalable fences topped with barbed wire around them. There have also been concerns of violence at state capitols, which are also getting extra security. There are hopes that the peak of this wave of COVID-19 is over. A few weeks ago, hospitals were recording as many as 132,000 cases per day, and that has come down to 124,000. There are concerns that a new strain of the disease may cause increases, but people who have recovered and those who receive the new vaccine will be immune. At around 60 or 70% immunity, something called herd immunity occurs. The majority of the population is immune, preventing further transmission. Both vaccines available in the US require two doses, but since the incoming Biden administration will release all of the doses right now, a second dose may not be available when the time comes. There is also no evidence that the vaccine prevents you from carrying the virus, so even if you are vaccinated, you should follow all safety guidelines around non-vaccinated people. Avalanches are often caused by humans, and they kill dozens every year in Colorado. Luckily, Maurice Wilkins had an avalanche airbag which saved him and allowed him to record an avalanche he inadvertently caused.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Today is inauguration day, when President Trump's term comes to an end and President Biden's begins. Usually, 200,000 tickets are given out to lawmakers to fill in the front row seats in front of the Capitol building, along with massive crowds at the National Mall. This year, Joe Biden has asked people to stay home, and each Congressman will only get two tickets, for just over 1,000 total. There will be a few other top US government officials present, and everyone will be masked. President Trump will be the first in 150 years to skip the inauguration of his successor for political reasons, and his official schedule for his last day in office, Tuesday the 19th, included several calls and meetings. Yesterday, President Trump grieved for victims of COVID-19 and is expected to release a plan for that along with an immigration proposal on his first day. The Senate, meanwhile, held confirmation hearings for his cabinet nominees. The largest population of manta rays lives off Ecuador in the Maldives, and a conservation group known as the Maldivian Manta Ray Project has been tracking them for years. They believe that exposing people to these animals will help in their protection. Virgin Orbit recently launched a NASA satellite into space via a redesigned Boeing 747 in its first successful launch.

Thursday, January 21, 2021
The 20th Amendment in the US Constitution sets yesterday, January 20th, as the swearing-in date for an incoming president. That's what happened when Chief Justice John Roberts took President Biden through the oath of office as specified by the same Amendment. America's 46th president is now Joseph R. Biden, but he is actually the 45th person to have the job. This is because Grover Cleveland held two non-consecutive terms, and therefore took the title of 22nd and 24th president. On his first day, he was scheduled to sign 17 executive orders concerning Trump-era policies and reinstating Obama-era orders. They spanned everything from COVID-19 to immigration and government regulation. President Biden is the oldest president ever, at 78, and his vice president, Kamala Harris, is the first woman and first woman of color to hold the position. Outgoing President Trump's term ended at 12:00 PM ET yesterday, and he left before the inauguration, highlighting his administration's successes and thanking supporters. There were a few protests at various government buildings, but they were all peaceful.

Friday, January 22, 2021
The 117th Senate has a lot on its plate. It has to confirm President Biden's cabinet nominees, consider further stimulus packages, and hold the impeachment trial of former President Trump. The cabinet includes the Vice President, White House Chief of Staff, various intelligence and council leaders, and the heads of 15 departments, such as the Secretary of State. All of the nominees have to be approved by the Senate. The new stimulus package is a $1.9 trillion proposal, slightly smaller than the first $2.2 trillion signed by the Trump administration. Finally, the House voted to pass an accusation of incitement of insurrection against President Trump just before his term ended, which the Senate has the final say on. The Moon has no atmosphere and therefore no weather, and everything humans ever put there will be there forever. Congress passed a law last year called the One Small Step Act to protect US Moon sites. It would be difficult to enforce and only apply to NASA and its partners and is equivalent to protecting historical sites on Earth. Western New York, northern Michigan, and northeastern Ohio will all be experiencing lake effect snow. This occurs when cold air from the north collides with warmer air over large bodies of water. Until the lakes freeze, warm air drifting up produces narrow bands of clouds that dump feet of snow onto shoreline towns.

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