Monday, March 1, 2021

CNN 10 3/1/2021 ~ 3/5/2021

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Monday, March 1, 2021
Over the weekend, the House of Representatives passed a $1.9 trillion dollar economic stimulus package in a 219-212 vote. As it currently stands, many American citizens would receive $1,400 checks, and funding would go to people in need, schools and states, and the distribution of COVID tests and vaccines. It still has to pass through the Senate before it can land on President Biden's desk, but it is likely to change before that occurs. The controversial part of the plan is raising the federal minimum wage, which would be more than doubled to $15. The Congressional Budget Office believes that while this would help almost 1 million Americans rise above the poverty line, but it would remove nearly 1.5 million jobs. This is why minimum wage proposals are rarely passed. The pandemic has killed millions of people, and it has also had a psychological impact, especially on university students. They believed that college would be the land of opportunity, but to be stuck indoors all day with no way to make money and barely able to pay the bills, depression and anxiety are increasing. Other, more privileged students are trying to help, but the mental toll of the pandemic is plainly visible in France's 1.5 million university students. Hector's dolphins are the smallest dolphins in the world, and a subgroup called Maui dolphins are among the rarest in the world. Only 63 are left in the wild, and a new drone has been built to keep track of them. Common dolphins as their name suggests, are much more common, sometimes grouping into thousands to "stampede". One lucky tourist group caught sight of this off the California coast.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021
In Myanmar, the Burmese military is still in control after it took over the government in a military coup 3 months ago. The nation's civilian leader, Suu Kyi, and 24 members of her government were arrested and have now been accused of rigging the nation's first democratic election in years, which was held last year. The military has promised a "fair" election to choose new leaders, but they have yet to set a date and have declared a national emergency for the time being. Protests are also occurring in Hong Kong, where 47 activists were recently arrested for holding mock elections. The Chinese government says the actions were in violation of a new law that states people who betray China will spend their lives in prison. This law was also hotly protested when it was first passed because people in Hong Kong, a special administrative region of China, are supposed to have more freedoms. A massive iceberg has broken off the Brunt Ice Shelf in Antarctica. It's the size of New York City, and it could either get stuck or start drifting away from the shelf.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021
The communist nation of North Korea is making headlines once again. It has a history of testing new American administrations, and it recently built a structure above two tunnels at the complex where its nuclear weapons are believed to be stored. The Biden Administration has not yet declared a policy in North Korea, but its final objective will be no different from past presidents - denuclearization of North Korea. North Korea is the ultimate hermit country. It has made efforts to become largely self-sufficient, and has stayed alive with the help of key allies like China and Russia. The ancient city of Pompeii is still mostly covered in volcanic ash, but a new discovery has been made in the Greco-Roman city. A chariot of a type that has never been seen in a Roman city has been discovered, largely intact.

Thursday, March 4, 2021
The US and EU have announced new sanctions against Russia. The sanctions have been placed because the countries accuse Russia of being involved in the poisoning of Alexey Navaly last summer. Navalny is a political activist who has frequently been arrested for speaking out against the Russian government and its corruption. He is currently being held in a detention center after returning to Russia after his recovery from the poisoning. The Russian government alleges that he violated the terms of probation in 2014 when he was convicted of embezzlement. He was also barred from running against Putin in the 2018 elections under accusations of various violations. In Argentina, archaeologists have discovered the fossil of a titanosaur, the largest dinosaur to ever walk the Earth. The 98 million-year-old fossil is older than many other types of titanosaur fossils found in the area, indicating that this type of dinosaur may have lived longer ago. MyHeritage has made a new AI tool called Deep Nostalgia that can bring old photos to life. People can upload photos from long ago or of deceased family members and watch them move around.

Friday, March 5, 2021
The country of Iceland has been experiencing a series of earthquakes for the past week, 18,000 to be exact. Not all of them were noticeable on the surface, but experts say it could be a sign of a coming volcanic eruption. The earthquakes could have been caused by magma rising up the surface and agitating tectonic plates. Models predict that if an eruption occurs, it will not affect nearby towns, but people are still vigilant. SpaceX's SN10 recently completed its landing flip maneuver - before promptly exploding on the landing pad. It was the first time SpaceX's starship, which it hopes will take humans to Mars one day, successfully completed the move. After SpaceX's official broadcast ended, live streaming Youtubers recorded the spacecraft going up in flames on the launchpad. This Sunday, residents of most US states will be going one hour forward to begin daylight savings time. The idea was originally proposed by Benjamin Franklin as an idea to save candles by utilizing more of the daylight hours. Only Hawaii and most of Arizona do not observe this in the US. Georgia is also considering a bill recently passed by its state Senate removing daylight savings time.

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