Monday, March 8, 2021

CNN 10 3/8/2021 ~ 3/12/2021

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Monday, March 8, 2021
The number of new COVID-19 cases in the United States is going down. At its peak, more than 300,000 people were infected every day; that number is now down to around 65,000. One new concern, though, is that this decline seems to have plateaued in several states, meaning that progress has stalled. In the light of this, though, several Republican-led states are easing restrictions while Democratic states are seeing continued encouragement of mask-wearing and social distancing. Still, most states are making some effort to reopen their economies. Pope Francis recently became the first pope to visit Iraq. The nation is officially Muslim today, but it is the ancient home of Judaism and Christianity as well. At sites destroyed in the war against ISIS, the Christian leader stated that hope and peace will triumph over war. At the Tokyo Olympics this year, Kane Tanaka will become the oldest person to ever lift the Olympic Torch. The supercentenarian is the oldest person alive. She is just 4 years away from also becoming the oldest person ever. Though she may seem tired at times, the 118-year-old is still sprightly and plans to walk the torch to the next person in line.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Over the weekend, the US Senate voted to pass the new $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act, the latest bill intended to help relieve the economic strain of COVID-19. The original version was passed by the House in February, but the bill needs another vote in that chamber as there were multiple edits to it in the Senate. In 2001, the Taliban, former rulers of Afghanistan who were ousted by the US after the 9/11 attacks. The most notable destruction they caused was in Bamiyan, where two buddha statues once stood. They had stood for millennia, outlasting even Genghis Khan. But the Taliban claimed that they were an insult to Islam and blew them up. Though there have been restoration efforts as technology advances, it simply is not the same for the residents of Bamiyan. Lynda Doughty is a CNN Hero who rescues seal pups. As a child in Maine, she was attracted to them and became a marine biologist. As state-run rescue centers shut down or lost funding, she opened a shelter of her own, Marine Mammals of Maine, to try to help out.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Nearly 31 million people in the US have gotten a COVID-19 vaccine from Moderna, Pfizer, or Johnson & Johnson. The CDC has changed its guidelines for people who have been vaccinated. Groups of people who have been fully vaccinated can meet indoors without masks or social distancing, and vaccinated people can meet people in their family indoors, without masks, if those people are low risk. The CDC still encourages people to avoid meeting in large groups. Deep space colonization is still far off in the future, but a laboratory just under the sea may not. Several companies have created mock-ups of underwater cities and floating cities, and Fabien Cousteau believes it is absolutely essential. It is the next step in ocean exploration and may help us develop new technologies such as OTEC that can help the world at large.

Thursday, March 11, 2021
There has been a surge of migrants at the US - Mexico border. The existing issues have only been exacerbated by the pandemic as migrants stay stuck at overflowing border facilities. There have been even more because many believe that with Biden in office, they will have an easier time getting asylum in the United States. The Biden Administration, for its part, has been taking heavy criticism from both sides of the aisle for not acting fast enough to resolve the situation. It says that it is simply finding the best, most humanitarian way to deal with the situation. Congress recently passed the latest $1.9 trillion stimulus bill on an almost party-line vote. President Biden is set to sign the bill soon, and it would include things like direct payments to many Americans, funding for vaccines, schools, and local governments, and several other things to boost the economy. Voyager Station is the name of the space hotel that will begin construction soon. It resembles a ring with rooms all along the outer edge, and it promises an experience like none other - literally out of this world.

Friday, March 12, 2021
China and Russia are gearing up for a new space race. They recently teamed up in an agreement to make plans for a new lunar space station that will reportedly be open to all interested countries. This seems to be a signal that the space alliance between the US and Russia is coming to an end, and a new one is opening with China. The Sahara Desert is growing. It is part of a growing phenomenon of desertification worldwide, where once arable land becomes desert. A UN organization is working to create a green belt across Africa over a dozen countries to try to reverse this effect.

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