Sunday, June 27, 2021

GHLC at JHU: Dr. Connie Hoe

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Dr. Connie Hoe, MSW, PhD, Assistant Professor, International Health Department, Health Systems Program, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, presents on Industry Inference with Public Health Policies.

Industry Interference in Public Health Policy:

People involved in policy making
    Political elite
    The State
    Nonstate actors
    Advocacy groups

Companies like tobacco promote policies detrimental to health

Commercial determinants of health: strategies and approaches used by the private sector to promote products and choices that are detrimental to health
Dynamics of commercial determinants: drivers, channels, outcomes

WHO FCTC adopted a resolution to protect policies from tobacco companies

Tobacco industry tactics: good image, influence, legal challenges

Control tactics: scientific evidence, exposing tactics, advocacy, alliances

Case study: Phillippines

Low-income country, high tobacco and alcohol usage

Sin Tax Reform Law
    Indexed tobacco and alcohol taxes to inflation
    Incremental revenues earmarked for health

The Global Burden of Road Traffic Deaths

Drunk driving laws important - not many countries have them
More investments and lobbying necessary

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