Wednesday, June 9, 2021

GHLC at JHU: Dr. Thomas C. Quinn

Dr. Thomas C. Quinnn, MD, MSc, is the Director of Global Health at JHU and Associate Director for International Research at NIAID.

My Journey into the World of Global Health
- First mentor, George B. Craig, Jr. got him into malaria
- Second mentor, King K Holmes
- Mentor relationship is important - forms a lifelong bond
- Went out to Africa to investigate AIDS
    It was originally thought to only be in homosexual men but quickly spread to the rest of the population
- Met lots of people - relationships are really important!

- HIV becomes a huge problem in developing countries

- Term global health becomes prevalent as HIV/AIDS starts spreading
- Health is now an important foreign policy issue
- Social inequality/demographics are important
- Climate change causes natural disasters - harms health

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