Thursday, April 9, 2020

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre
By Charlotte Brontë
Read in 7th Grade
Jane lives with her detestable aunt and cousins. Her apparently lowly parents died shortly after her birth, and she was taken in by her uncle. As his dying wish, he told her aunt to take care of Jane. However, jealous of her husband's affection for Jane, her aunt only maintains her to the lowest of standards, and she is constantly bullied by her cousins. One day, a man named Mr. Brocklehurst arrives from an educational facility to take her away. There, she learns much and becomes rather content. Eventually, she finds a job as a governess at Thornfield Hall, owned by a certain Mr. Rochester. She finds that he is very rich, but is almost never home. Then one day, she meets him on an icy day when he falls off his horse, without a clue as to who she is. Although she does not realize it, he has a deep affection for her.
She hasn't the slightest idea until he proposes marriage to her. However, his past is marked by sorrow that she doesn't realize. On their wedding day, everything is shattered, and Jane leaves Thornfield, intending to never return. But she finds that she cannot be kept away from her love for long. Eventually, she must return, but finds Thornfield in ruins and Mr. Rochester a cripple. But her affection for him is beyond such simple things, and they live happily ever after.
I thought that this was a fairly accurate yet interesting way of depicting life for a woman in Brontë's time while making it seem more like a narrative.

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