Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner
By Khaled Hosseini
Read in 8th Grade
Amir is a young boy living in Afghanistan, friends with a Hazara named Hassan. The Hazara are considered lesser people in Afghanistan and are mostly servants. Amir is the son of the most prestigious man in town. But for many years, the two are best friends. Kite fighting is a popular sport in Kabul, Amir's town. And Hassan is the best at chasing down cut kites. But one day, Amir sends Hassan off by himself to get a kite, and he is raped.
This event fractures the friendship, and Amir escapes turmoil in Afghanistan soon after with his father to America. He lives happily there, but one day, his past calls to him, and he must return. Hassan, meanwhile, has had a child. One day, the Taliban kills him and takes his son.
Their leader turns out the be the bully from earlier days, and Amir must rescue him in a final showdown. With Sohrab's help, they get away, and Amir promises to take Sohrab to America. But it turns out that isn't as easy as it sounds.

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