Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Trials of Apollo: The Burning Maze

The Trials of Apollo: The Burning Maze
By Rick Riordan
Read in 8th Grade
*Read previous Rick Riordan Greek myth books for context

Book 3 in series

Apollo has saved Indianapolis from Emperor Commodus, and extracted a prophecy from the Dark Oracle. Being told to find a "cloven guide" to lead him through the maze to the next Oracle. Meg manages to summon Grover Underwood, satyr, the Lord of the Wild. They travel through the maze to his current shelter, where he is trying to solve the mysterious fires plaguing Southern California. The place is also Meg's former home. Her father came from a line of people trying to recreate the ancient Meliai, supposedly superpowerful dryads created from the blood of the Earth. Because of this Caligula, the next emperor they will face, destroyed his home. He wants to be the new Apollo, and he is trying to capture Apollo.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Trials of Apollo: The Tyrant's Tomb

The Trials of Apollo: The Tyrant's Tomb
By Rick Riordan
Read in 8th Grade
*Read previous Rick Riordan Greek myth books for context

Book 4 in series
Click here for Book 5! (Coming soon)
Book 2

The fight against the Triumvirate gets ever harder. On Caligula's boat, Jason, Lester's half brother, dies saving him. To honor his death, Lester (formerly Apollo) and his master Meg take him to Camp Jupiter for his burial. But of course, they can't do even this without monsters attacking. Ghouls sent by Tarquin, an ancient Roman emperor allied with the Triumvirate, attack. They narrowly escape thanks to a legionnaire named Lavania, but not before Apollo is scratched. Due to his mortal state, he has just days to live before he becomes an undead himself. Meanwhile, Caligula and Commodus ride in their boats toward the camp, armed with killer machines. The only hope is to summon godly help, apparently possible with "the last breath of the silent god".

Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Trials of Apollo: The Hidden Oracle

The Trials of Apollo: The Burning Maze
By Rick Riordan
Read in 8th Grade
*Read previous Rick Riordan Greek myth books for context

Book 1 in series
Click for book 2! (Coming soon)
Book 5

After the modern wars with the Titans and Giants, Zeus blamed Apollo, who generated the prophecies for both. Apollo feels it is unfair, since he cannot control the oracular power, despite being the God of Prophecy. He is cast down to Earth as a mortal, where he must presumably serve a master until his punishment is over. Much to his bad luck, he is bound to a ragtag demigod named Meg McCaffrey. He seeks the help of the famous "heroic fodder", Percy Jackson, but is turned down. Apollo cannot get used to the mortal way of living, where he is imperfect and scorned. But throughout the book, the sorrow his conceitedness has brought emerges, and he comes to terms with the mistakes of his past. But back to the story.

Monday, May 25, 2020

CNN 10 5/25/2020 ~ 5/29/2020

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Monday, May 25, 2020
Happy Memorial Day!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020
On Memorial Day yesterday, people flocked to newly reopened beaches and parks, many not wearing masks or social distancing. Officials warned that it was not safe to go unprotected yet and that new spikes in COVID cases could occur. Even government Memorial Day activities were affected. For instance, the honorary burials had far fewer troops in attendance, and the flag was not directly handed off to the nearest kin. Also, some countries have reopened their schools. They have introduced new safety measures such as mandatory masks, distancing, and splitting classes into smaller groups. Despite such efforts, France’s schools have closed again after 12 confirmed cases of coronavirus. In Michigan, the crisis has deepened, with two dams overflowing and sending hundreds of thousands fleeing their homes.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

CNN 10 5/18/2020 ~ 5/22/2020

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Monday, May 18, 2020
Memorial Day is just a week away, and many states are reopening their beaches, although with some regulations. New York has decided to keep its beaches closed entirely, while some southern states have imposed regulations, including but not limited to social distancing, masks, and no picnicking. In China, Hong Kong has imposed stricter travel regulations to prevent the spread of COVID-19. All international travelers must be tested and state where they are staying. After spending time in quarantine after the test, they can go to their hotel, which they cannot leave. What will the movies look like when this is all over? Right now, many shows and movies are being streamed home. Will that continue to be the new norm? Not quite. Theaters will obviously fight to stay open, and many film companies want to premiere their movies in theaters to try to become a blockbuster. But you can expect many low budget films to appear directly into your streaming service. Near Florida, a tropical storm has formed off the coast before the official storm season. Scientists don't know how strong it will get and where it will go, and they are hoping it will simply pass by the coast, dropping a little rain.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Under the Dome - Part 2

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Under the Dome
By Stephen King
Read in 8th Grade Note: This is a teen book. Mild sexual content/inappropriate language

Click to read Part 1

James Rennie begins sending all of Barbara's remaining friends into exile or jail, including the town's only doctor and journalist. Meanwhile, the kids have found what appears to be the epicenter of the dome, and it has a border around it that is apparently both radioactive and causes visions. Also, most of the children have had spasms in which they see pink stars falling or a Halloween disaster. The pink stars have already happened. They looked that way due to the pollution collecting on the inner surface of the Dome. Outside, Barbie's friend, Colonel James O. Cox is planning a strike against Rennie. He has uncovered evidence of tax fraud, drugs, etc, all of which are true and Rennie is racing to destroy while the Dome is down.

Under the Dome - Part 1

Under the Dome
By Stephen King
Read in 8th Grade Note: This is a teen book. Mild sexual content/inappropriate language

Click for Part 2

It's a normal October day in Chester's Mill, Suddenly people traveling between the Mill and its surrounding cities collide with a dome that came out of nowhere. It slices animals in half as it comes down, and birds crash into it by the thousands. Trapped inside the Dome are Dale Barbara, a retired Army captain now called upon to take control; James Rennie, the sinister leader of the town; and many ill mannered teenagers. Although Barbara is the declared leader, Rennie knows the outside cannot do anything, and refuses to relinquish control. He hires the bad boys as policemen, who soon subdue, rape, and kill the people of the town.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Tiger Times May Issue 2

May # 2- Online Entertainment!

This issue is focused on, well, online entertainment. We've got lots of new articles on... oh, never mind.

Just read it- here.

Visit the website, too.

Written by the members of the Fletcher Newspaper Club

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Dog's Purpose

A Dog's Purpose on Apple BooksA Dog's Purpose
By W. Bruce Cameron
Read in 8th Grade
A dog is born in nearby a river with his mother and three siblings. They are wild scavengers, and the mother teaches them to fear humans. However, one of the dogs feels an irresistible attraction to them, which inevitably gets the pack caught. They are taken to the Yard, where he is named Toby. He enjoys his life there, but one day, a fighter dog named Spike arrives and upsets everything. He injures Toby, and soon after, the owners of the Yard are forced to give up their dogs due to "mistreatment". Toby dies, and is reincarnated as a new puppy in a breeding facility. Using some knowledge from his life as Toby, he escapes his pen, and goes out into world, eventually being picked up by a family who names him Bailey. He and the boy, Ethan, are soul mates, doing everything together, and Ethan leads a cheerful life. Then one day, a bitter ex-friend named Todd injures him in an arson. Ethan is crippled, and he loses everything - girlfriend, football, scholarship.

Monday, May 11, 2020

CNN 10 5/11/2020 ~ 5/15/2020

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Monday, May 11, 2020

Quick COVID update. More than 4 million people have tested positive, with hundreds of thousands dying. Most people do recover, but its death rate is higher than the seasonal flu. Over a fourth of cases are in the US, with nearly 1.5 million infections. Beyond that, the jobless rate is now 14.7 %, the highest its been since the Great Depression, as people are laid off and lose jobs. Some artists are using creativity to stay positive. They have drawn what they have been doing in their spare time, for example, the image at left. They encourage us to use creativity, instead of using tutorials. Fog is what happens when clouds condense at low altitude, and you can make your own! Pour boiling water in a jar for a few minutes, pour all but a little bit out, and put a strainer full of ice on top. The cool air on top mixes with the rising hot air to form indoor fog. Did you know that people once hated lobsters? They once washed up on beaches without humans bothering them. Now, lobster fishing is such a big industry that there are tours to watch people catch lobsters.

Tiger Times May Issue 1

Read Ellen Fletcher Middle School's latest student newspaper here!
You can also see our website here.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Reader's Digest May 2020

Reader's Digest May 2020
This week's cover story is about how everything we do online leaves a footprint. Companies like Google and Facebook can track you using cookies, what you look at and search, etc. But there are also other things that can track you. First, your TV. TVs are getting cheaper, but it's partly because the new smart TVs can sell your information, money-makers for the manufacturers. If you read the privacy policies carefully, you may find your TV tracks every. single. pixel. Also a hot topic these days - smart speakers. You may have heard Google Home, Alexa, or Siri burst in on conversations or TV, thinking you called for it. But this is scary. It means the speakers are listening to everything, waiting for its command word. The companies claim they do not use their recordings for profit, but it's best to be wary. Cars are getting smarter, too.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Prisoners of Geography

Prisoners of Geography
By Tim Marshall
Read in 8th Grade
Every nation on this planet has, and always will be, influenced by geography. First, Russia. It is the biggest nation in the world, albeit in an extremely cold region. Here, it faces its first geographic disadvantage. Since it is so far north, the only ocean it has access to is the Arctic. It has no warm-water ports, thereby preventing it from housing a decent navy. And, so that is why Russia has annexed Crimea, for a port. There is also a pizza-shaped piece of land in the west, the Northern European Plain. It is the only way Russia could possibly be attacked, and for all its history, Russia has been wary of it, trying to sway its border nations away from NATO. It does, however, have a strategic advantage in being Europes biggest, sometimes only, oil supplier.

Monday, May 4, 2020

CNN 10 5/4/2020 ~ 5/8/2020

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Monday, May 4, 2020
ten.0504_00012806.jpgMany US states have reopened this past weekend, and people are flocking to parks and public spaces. In states maintaining tight stay-at-home orders, people came out to protest. The US still has the majority of cases in the world for COVID-19, and the debate over reopening continues. Many people also left their homes to watch the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds fly in formation in a salute to front-line healthcare workers. Many of them failed to maintain social distancing and other rules, despite enforcements by police. Next up, the Asian Giant Murder Hornet. They have been spotted in the US for the first time, and could endanger bees. Just a few of them can easily take out a full hive, and with enough stings, they can kill a person. Hence the name, "Murder". If you see one, call your state's Department of Agriculture. DO NOT try to kill it yourself. On a slightly happier note, a woman makes world-class ocean rowing boats and is one of the world's few ocean rowers. This is a sport which purely involves rowing in the ocean. It must be able to carry enough food and be light at the same time.