Monday, August 31, 2020

CNN 10 8/31/2020 ~ 9/4/2020

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Monday, August 31, 2020
Japan's longest-serving prime minister, Shinzo Abe, has stepped down over health concerns. He first took office in 2006 before stepping down the following year. He was re-elected in 2012 and has been PM since. He is stepping down due to ulcerative colitis, an incurable bowel disease, which is also why resigned in 2007. His party is in control of both houses of Japan's parliament, so they should have no trouble selecting the next prime minister. As Abe leaves office, his record is mixed. He stopped an economic decline but failed to boost the economy, and his diplomacy has reportedly been similar. In the US Gulf Coast, Lousiana is assessing the impacts of Hurricane Laura, the category 4 storm that passed through the area last week. Power lines and grids are out in many areas; entire neighborhoods have been washed away. President Trump visited the area to take a look and console devastated families. 75% of universities in the United States have moved to virtual learning. So many of them are using AIs to monitor cheating on a test, to mixed results. Students report that they are uncomfortable being recorded and many are skeptical of the performance of AIs; at least some professors report that they are faulty and report all students as suspicious. Still, the test monitoring industry is booming. Another experiment took place in Leipzig, Germany. Study participants were allowed into a concert (with prior COVID testing) to determine the effects of a large gathering on the transmission of the virus. For many, it was a welcome reprieve from pandemic life.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020
There are many questions in the air about a coronavirus vaccine. Usually, a vaccine takes many years to make. With COVID-19, researchers are racing to make one within a year. In the US, the head of the FDA needs to approve a vaccine for the general populace. The FDA has issued a statement saying that it may approve a vaccine before Phase III trials are completed. Phase III is when a vaccine is tested on a large group of people to determine its safety and effectiveness. However, many people have said that they aren't sure the vaccine will be safe and may not take it. To resolve this problem, many doctors are recommending that the FDA put it through an independent review, which people might trust more than the FDA board that has members of pharmaceutical companies. Also because of the pandemic, many people are working from home, and it's taking a toll. People are working longer and becoming less motivated. Some companies have forced employees to take vacations, and others have shortened the work week in exchange for longer hours. Still, many bosses report lower productivity and morale.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020
The coronavirus has infected 6 million people in the US and 26 million people worldwide. But scientists say that up to 40% of infected people have no symptoms at all, making the virus harder to track. It is also reported to be up to 6 times as deadly as the seasonal flu, at a 0.6% death rate, but chances of recovery from both illnesses are highly likely. Countries around the world are taking different measures, such as China, with its attempt at mass testing, while Russia reopens schools with its new but untested coronavirus vaccine. In Kenosha, Wisconsin, protests have been occurring after a white police officer shot a Black man named Jacob Blake. President Trump visited on Tuesday to meet with law enforcement and assess the damage done during some of the more violent protests. Democrats said his visit would hurt the healing community, while Republicans claimed it would speed up the process. Blake's family held a rally at the site of the shooting yesterday, and it included food drives, voter registration, and community cleanup. The COVID-19 pandemic may have lasting effects on big cities. Many people are now being sent home to work, and companies have plans to shrink offices and continue this into the future. This is increasing the trend of people moving away from urban areas to lower living costs and their future home offices. This will have a major impact on big cities, which have been receiving much of the economic growth in many countries, and also on public transportation, which will be used less and less.

Thursday, September 3, 2020
A Russian troll group called the Internet Research Agency has reportedly attempted to impact the US election - again. Two years ago, the same company was accused of the same thing by the Justice Department. This year, Facebook found fake profiles after a tip by the FBI. The agency has also made a fake news website called Peace Data, which claims to reports legitimate news. Have you been wondering why the stock market is soaring as small businesses are shutting down and unemployment is soaring? Well, the stock market is actually an indication of how well the economy is projected to do since people are investing in companies. Also, the stock market is disproportionately affected by big companies, which have been doing well during the pandemic. So, there are many other factors that impact the economy, but the stock market shows hope that the economy will get better after COVID-19. In the Amazon rainforest, a new type of pairing with technology and people may help save rainforests. Conservation activists have pair indigenous tribesmen with drones to watch over the rainforest for illegal logging. This is expected to do better than normal drone searches because the tribes know their land and what needs to be protected.

Friday, September 4, 2020
The CDC says it could have a vaccine ready by the end of October. There are currently three vaccines in Phase III testing, or being tested on a large number of people. However, many people are concerned because vaccine production usually takes years, and scientists are attempting to make this one in under a year. In fact, some doctors believe that one drug alone won't stop the virus. People of different ages and stages of infection may need different treatment. The candidates for the two major US political parties are now set, and they will have presidential debates later this month and in September. However, we may have problems come November 3rd. In the time of the pandemic, there are fewer volunteers available to man polling stations, which may cause problems. Many people have suggested poll worker drives and lowering the age limit so teens can work as well. The Old Farmer's Almanac and the New Farmer's both offer weather predictions. However, the two are offering very different forecasts this year. The older one says that this winter will be mild, but the newer one is predicting different conditions throughout the country. Both use "secret formulas" but they both have about a 50% accuracy, about the same as mainstream weather forecasts.

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