Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Time: School's Out

Time: School's Out
By Molly Ball and Katie Reilly

    President Trump has been pushing for schools to reopen. As seen in the photo, some schools have been testing pilot programs for what in-person learning could look like in the fall. Mandatory masks, hand-washing, temperature checks, and plastic shields around desks. Classes could also be staggered to avoid too many students on campus. An even bigger problem is transportation. With buses reduced to just a fraction of normal capacity, families with full-time working parents could have a difficult time getting their kids to school.
    The current federal guidelines suggest that schools reopen during Phase 2 with proper precautions in place. But people like President Trump say that is too restrictive, and schools should reopen faster. It is true that online learning can be problematic in the long run, with many students struggling or zoning out; besides, it just doesn't provide the same stimulus as in-person learning. Still, many parents would rather try their hand at homeschool than put their kids in danger. Learning "pods" with groups of children and tutors have been booming as working parents try to help their kids.
    While it is true that countries in Asia and Europe have successfully reopened, their governments have brought the virus under control. Cases have declined in those countries, and countries that reopened to fast, like Israel, saw a second shutdown. Experts say that if Trump wants schools open again, he has not done enough to control the virus. Until then, schools will just be another casualty of COVID-19.

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